Make sure you eat PRE and PROBIOTICS everyday.
All disease start through our Gut. We have 10 times the amount of microbial cells, than we have human cells. We are bacteria learning how to be human 😉 Anything that escape gut will go to the brain. So brain health is also affected by your gut health. Make sure you eat pre and probiotics everyday. These are few PRE and PROBIOTICS which you can include in your diet : Yogurt, Curd, Sour Pickle (avoid if you have Hypertension (HTN), Ghee, Banana, Yakult, etc. Avoid Refined, Packaged, Processed food, Alcohol and limit your Caffeine intake. To more information and book an appointment, you can mail me or contact me, details are given below Email Id : Contact: +91,9582256227 # diet # dietplan # guthealth # prebiotics # Probiotics # healthdigestivesystem # unmedietclinique # dietitian #diettips